Saturday, November 15, 2008

If the Gay Movement's Flag Is the Rainbow, Prop 8's Must Be Yellow

Time just published an article called "What Happens If You're On the Gay 'Enemies List' "---and yeah, great, add flames to the fire that there's a "gay agenda"---about a strategy some Proposition 8 opponents have been undertaking.

On, gay marriage supporters have been publicizing the names of contributors to the Yes on Prop 8 campaign, names of their businesses, etc., so that those who voted no on Prop 8 can decide whether to stop, or avoid, patronizing them. Is this nice? No. But neither is banning gay marriage.

According to Time, the Yes on 8 website was also publishing names of their donors until recently, when they took the lists down. Hey, they're proud until gays start naming the same names, then they're being attacked. No fair!

What does the Yes on 8 campaign manager, Frank Schubert, say about these gay blacklists? "It's really awful," he said. "No matter what you think of Proposition 8, we ought to respect people's right to participate in the political process. It strikes me as quite ironic that a group of people who demand tolerance and who claim to be for civil rights are so willing to be intolerant and trample on other people's civil rights."

Oh,, it's okay for you to trample on the civil rights of gays, because it's part of the political process! Oh, those damn gays...why don't they just lay there and be trampled like we want them to? They're so uncooperative. Why, oh why, are they being so mean to us? I mean, all we want is to permanently deny them the ability to enter into a committed marriage with another consenting that so bad?

I hate to break it to Frank and the rest of the Prop 8'ers. You're going to have a really, really hard time passing a law to ban gay people having freedom of speech. So if you're going to contribute money to a campaign to deny them marriage, you're going to have to listen to them call out your name. And anyway, what are you ashamed of? If you believe what you believe, shout it from the rooftops. Don't be a coward twice over.

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