Sunday, November 9, 2008

Hey, Guess What? Terrorists Get Too!

The whole world has been watching the United States closely since 9/11, and very, very closely since the beginning of the Iraq war. And now, with Barack Obama the President-Elect, we're going to be constantly under the microscope. I've said it before, but it bears repeating. The time for pettiness and division is over. Hence my dismay when I found the following (word-for-word) reader responses to a article about Rahm Emanuel's appointment as Obama's Chief of Staff:

"Amy-If you are a so called lawyer….I should have figured another crook in America……Lawywers are the lowest of the low….Stealing from anyone they can find……go figure…..I would not even admit I am lawyer….You are the joke of America and of all professions.Go find someone to steal from!!! No wonder you are on the Obama team."

"Hey Susanne, Why don't you give your dead beat relatives 20% of your income and see what happens to it. Last time I checked Liberals were also required to pay taxes as well…oh that's right you conservative small business owners like to skim off the top and do everything in cash so it can't be tracked. Just ask anyone that own's a bar or resturant 10% of the top in the back pocket and oh we are barely breaking even…go tell your sob story to your shrink!!!!!"

"Shut up republicans and take your proper place in the political food chain! The people have made their choice and you lost GET OVER IT!!"

"To all repubs and conservatives: you guys all have a brain,just get out of the market close up your businesses and layoff your employees ,and put the proceeds in tax free funds.I am sure all your financial planners are advising you to do this.On another note be grateful that no repub is in charge of this mess now.BUT PLEASE SHUTUP AND GIVE THIS GUY A CHANCE TO GOVERN!!you guys will most likely be in power 4-6years from now anyway.So please step aside and give him a chance to prove you wrong"

"Hey, right wingers, the election is over, you got slaughtered, get over it. you voted and we voted, we won this time.Lokk at what you put us thru for the past eight years, have you no shame. you just wanted to do it again, but it did not work.Now, you need to stop trying to tell PRESIDENT OBAMA, who to select for his cabinet and how to run the country. He will do it his way, just like Bush did it his. But I already know, that President Obama is a "TEAM PLAYER", which is something you don't know anything about., becasue you have never had a teamClebrate your new president, He will do us all proudIn the name of Jesus (I'm saying that), Amen

"Susan, just make it clear, Obama said he will take money from the rich to give to the poor. He did not say his money nor his party's money, nor his relative's money. So, who is rich or who works hold your pocket tight . For the poor or lazy slobs, dream on."

"I find it extremely funny that all you a##holes want to work together now that a Democrat has won office. But for the last 8 years you been bagging on Bush every chance you had!!! Now the will of the people has spoken for President, for anti gay marriage ammendments, and for affirmative action initiatives. And the only people I see not following the will fo the people are the left winged democrats out protesting in the streets because the didnt like the vote. I am republican and i wish obama the best, i hope he can do something positive for this country but come gay love crowd get over it, THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN!!"

"Rahm represents all that is evil and vile in politics. He is a thug. A bully. And a partisan hack. That Obama would pick him for anything shows Obama's true agenda.Just wait and see, Rahm is out for Rahm."

Here's the only one I could find that I agreed with:

"If the views of many who contribute to these blogs are anything to go by, God help us. We will never be united, regardless of who the President is."

The whole world is watching, people. And our enemies, whoever and wherever they may be, only need a laptop to log on and see this kind of crap being spewed. Weakness is what they want to see. And every time some self-righteous hatemonger from either side comes up with a "brilliant" post like these, weakness is exactly what they're getting.


Adam said...

Amen! What did you think I've been bitching at you about? It's not just about what the terrorists can see, it's what anyone and everyone can see. Negativity creates anger and anger is hard to overcome. Practice what you preach. Think before you type…

Jeffrey said...

So, we agree on something. Hopefully we can agree that my posts rise above what those slobs wrote?